Thursday, April 9, 2009

Aston Martin Ulster! Evolution no needed!

    Ulster — one of the most esteemed premilitary models Aston Martin. This copy is esteemed doubly: it concerns a rare series from 21 cars, the factory command exhausted in honour of a victory on race Tourist Trophy of 1934 when cars of this mark have come to finish of the first, the second and the third in the class! Price for now: $600 000

    The refined lines of racing body Aston Martin Ulster not implicate with anything: it cardinally differs from all analogues of time as the hound differs from race horses. Especially impresses a long cowl, with headlights Lucas «King of the Road». Under facilitated cover of a cowl reliably fixed by leather belts "four" with a dry crankcase and two carburettors. Engine power — 80 h.p. Today it it seems a little, but to measures of 1936 it there was an impressing indicator for the motor in volume of 1,5 litres.

    There is a set of factors to which you should get used, steering Aston Martin Ulster. First of all it concerns a non-standard arrangement of pedals: an accelerator in the centre, a brake — on the right. To switch drives too it is necessary to get used: the first is stuck upwards and to the right, and the fourth in an opposite direction — downwards and to the left. Besides the box is not equipped by synchro units, therefore at each transition to a hill-climbing gear clutch should be squeezed out twice.

    The front panel is overloaded by devices Jaeger and scattering of every possible switches, to understand which appointment is not present either time, or desire.You get the motor and as the adjuster of a firing point located on a steering wheel you force the antediluvian power unit to work with full kickback. The mixture of shrill squeal of the engine and angry sound an exhaust pipe sideways creates sensation of flight on the rare car First World War times. In process of dispersal you pass through the whole procession of noise and sounds: whining, a clunking, a trumpet roar. Not every day you will hear such cacophony of sounds on a public road!

    On the move the car has surpassed all your expectations: delay between turning movement of a steering wheel and turning movement of wheels for so ancient design is marvellously insignificant. And to "make friends" with a gear box it has appeared not too difficult. The main thing — not to forget to squeeze out clutch the necessary quantity of times. If correctly to carry out all necessary actions, dexterously bossing a wheel, the transmission lever, and also clutch pedals and an accelerator, Ulster will answer you with the same confident and accurate movement on the necessary speed and in the necessary direction. Naturally, all occurs on much lower speeds, than with what it is necessary to consult modern sports cars, but the behaviour of this sport car on road all the same impresses. Probably, all these modern , taxiing up, witholds and supervising systems are not too necessary. After all this Aston Martin, not equipped with them, gives such pleasure from driving! Technical progress? You dont need this progress using such beautiful car!

    For collectors Ulster — the most desired model from all premilitary men Aston Martin, therefore for the privilege to possess this car it is necessary to lay out the considerable sum. There are two categories "Ulsters". The cars belonging to official command Aston Martin or private commands of race in Le Mans, cost about one million dollars. Road versions unprepared for races (bigger from these cars have rich history too of performances in races) are estimated in $600 000. Such cars has been exhausted very little, therefore to buy Ulster — the big good luck.
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